Camping in Arizona

While we were vacationing in Phoenix last week, we went camping at Sharp Creek Campground in the Tonto National Forest.  It's about a 1-1/2 hour drive east of Phoenix, near the town of Payson.  It's up in the mountains, with tons of huge pine trees, and it's about 20 degrees cooler than Phoenix! 

 June 3, 2010
Michelle, Matt & Kaya

Kaya, napping on her own personal sleeping bag!

Kaya, Janelle & Eric
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Beautiful view from the Mogollan Rim on the Rim Lakes Vista trail - about 10 miles east of our campground.


  1. AnonymousJuly 29, 2010

    Fabulous photos.!!I am glad that you really enjoy your trip..Your do looks so cute..hahah..Hopefully,I could visit Sharp Creek Campground next month.
    vacationing in phoenix
