I received a special package in the mail today from my sister. It was filled with old recipes that she had stored away in a box and just recently uncovered. It turns out that they were from our grandmother's sister, Ruthie, back in Minnesota in the 1940's.
Our grandmother died when our Dad was young (I think about 13 years old) so unfortunately we never knew her. In addition, we have very little in the way of any memorabilia from Dad's side of the family, so this is quite a treasure!
Handwritten recipes from several different people |
In addition to our Great Aunt Ruthie, some of the recipes were written by other women - possibly friends of hers and even other family members. There is a reference to 'Marian' in one of the recipes...that's our grandmother!! She is my namesake, as my middle name is Marian and I was her first grandchild.
At first I thought there were also recipes from our great grandmother, but now I'm not so sure. I need to organize them and do a little more geneology research to figure all of this out!
I plan to scan all of these and try to revive them, and then create a photo book so they'll be preserved. I feel so lucky that we'll now have at least this little bit of history from Dad's side of the family.
Postcard sent to Aunt Ruthie on 11/26/47. No street address, just Marshall, Minnesota! Ahh, small town America in the good old days. |
Recipe on the back of the postcard, sent from Mrs Harry Berg. The paper is very worn & the writing is blurry, but it says 'Recipe for Kream Kake' across the top. :) |
Evidently these cards came out of a recipe box, with category separators originally from Gold Medal flour. The quotations for each section are a crack up! This one says: The cake is a combination of highly nutritious food elements and holds an important position in balanced menus.
So Let Them Eat Cake!!!
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