Today was the first day our sweet baby Charlie went to day care.
The good news is that Chantell got to be home with him for 12 weeks.
The bad news is that it's just not long enough.
I must admit that I couldn't stop thinking about him all day, wondering how it was going and if he was ok.
Does he know what's going on and who these new people are? Does he understand that he's in a good place? I hope that he somehow sensed that he was in good hands and that Mommy would be coming back to get him.
Chantell told me tonight that he was asleep when she dropped him off this morning, so she was concerned about what he was going to think when he woke up!
The caregivers told her that he had been pretty good all day until the last little while. He was not a happy camper when she came in to get him! But he was fine and happy once he was back with Mommy.
Chantell told me it was really hard for her this morning.....I can only imagine just how hard it was. Simply hearing about it makes my heart hurt.

What a cutie ;). You're a lucky Grandma!