Done with the drapes

We decided to put up some outdoor curtains on our pergola, to block out the heat of the west-setting sun. After searching online, the cost for ready-made was sky high, so I proceeded to make them myself. I've never attempted something like this before but I figured that with it being just a lot of straight seams, how hard could it be?? Well, it definitely wasn't rocket science, but it sure was a lot of fabric to handle! It turned out to be much more time consuming than I had planned, and involved a lot of trips up and down the stairs to the ironing board. But they turned out fine and they do the job perfectly. I amused myself by watching old movies while I was stitching away...
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  1. Love the drapes - proud of you!! - manja

  2. The curtains look amazing! It's really hard to work with large amounts of fabric like that, great job.

