Fresh Greens

Since spring (officially) begins tomorrow, it makes me anxious to once again see green grass, green leaves on the trees, and a few other green favorites...

planting fresh veggies

no more winter boots
spending time out on the patio

a new piece of jewelry - this cute ring looks really fun and it's only $12.95! I love sea turtles.

and wouldn't this be fun for getting around town!!

An *OFF* switch

If only it was this simple...

Sometimes I just want to turn RA off for a while,
One little switch could make me smile.
There are other things I need to do,
And other people who need me too.
I'd produce these switches and give them away,
To anyone suffering in any way.
Just turn off all pain and flip happiness on.
It's my perfect invention that can't go wrong.

photo.php from Giggles over Tears with RA on facebook