Prep Day is here!

Getting ready for the big feast tomorrow.....I am so grateful that I have the day off today!!!

Sweet Sean ~ First Basketball Game of the Season @ USU

Here's Seanee at the USU basketball game ~ they're playing a big game against BYU tonight (hence the t-shirt message) 

 She's showing her Aggie pride!

Inside the Spectrum tonight before the game.
A lot of students have been 'occupying' the Spectrum the last couple of days. Sean told me today that her tent was close to where these are!

What a fun freshman year she's having!!!
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 ~Happy Veterans Day~
A big THANK YOU to all of the men and women who are serving, or have served our country...including my husband, Eric, and many of our family members.
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4 Monrhs Old Today!

Our precious little Charlie is already four months old today. It's hard to believe that much time has passed since the night he was born...can it really be four months???
He's getting to be such a big boy, and oh so cute!!! 

 He's eating cereal now and loves it!  
(He's definitely a well-fed little guy)
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Oh, hello again, Winter.

*Time to make snow angels*break out the boots*dust off the sled*stoke up the fireplace* 
We knew it was coming, but we weren't really expecting this much S-N-O-W.
This is what we woke up to this morning
Poor lil punkin!

Our 'tropical' papyrus just doesn't know what to think!!!

Our sweet little Baby Charlie

Is there anything on God's green earth sweeter than a soft cuddly baby asleep in your arms???
I think not.
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